Arizona Probate Law - Contact Neal Law Firm

Arizona Probate Law

We want to help you through the entire probate process. We offer the following Arizona probate services:

  • Small Estate Personal Property Affidavits
  • Small Estate Real Property Affidavits
  • Termination of Joint Tenancy
  • Informal Probates
  • Guardianships of Minors and Adults
  • Conservatorships of Minors and Adults
  • Guardianship and Conservatorship of Minors and Adults

Ready to Get Started?

Fill out the following form to schedule your case review.

    Full Name

    Phone Number

    E-mail Address

    Did the deceased person live in Arizona when they passed?

    Did the deceased person own real estate in Arizona?

    What is your relationship to the person who passed away?

    [group group-relationship-person-passed-away-other]

    If Other, please describe


    Did the deceased person leave minor children who need care?

    [group group-deceased-person-minor-care-yes]

    Who is currently caring for the children?


    Did the deceased person have a Will or Trust? (choose all that apply)

    [group group-deceased-person-will-trust-yes-will]

    Who is named as the Executor or Personal Representative in the Will?

    Do you have the original Will?


    [group group-deceased-person-will-trust-yes-trust]

    Who is named as the Trustee of the Trust?

    Do you have a copy of the Trust?


    Did the deceased person have any of the following living family members? (choose all that apply)

    [group group-living-family-members-other]

    If Other, please describe


    Do all of the deceased person’s close family members get along?

    Did the deceased person leave assets worth $75,000 or more? (not including real estate)

    Are there any urgent issues we should be aware of?

    [group group-urgent-issues]

    If Yes, please describe


    Disclaimer: Contacting us via this website does not create a confidential or attorney-client relationship.