Probate can be a stressful experience during a difficult time and we are here to help. We’ve provided the articles on this website as a guide to help you understand the ins and outs of probate, when and if it is required and to guide you through the process.

Arizona Probate Frequently Asked Questions
Since most people don’t know a whole lot about probate, this article is a good starting point to give you an overview of the process and help you determine what kind of proceeding best suits your situation. Learn more about Arizona Probate.
Is Probate Required?
Some people are surprised to learn that probate can be avoided in certain situations. It very much depends on whether all of the heirs are in agreement and how much the deceased person’s assets are worth. And, if it is required, what kind is required? Find out if you need to have an Arizona probate.
Probate Exemption – Personal Property
If the value of all of the deceased person’s personal property is $75,000 or less, you may be able to avoid probate and transfer the assets via a simple Affidavit. Read this article to find out more about how an Affidavit works to avoid probate for personal property.
Probate Exemption – Real Property
If the value of all of the deceased person’s real property is $100,000 or less, minus any liens or encumbrances (money owed on the property), you may not need to have a probate proceeding. Instead, you may be able to transfer the deceased person’s real property with an Affidavit. Read this article to learn about when an Affidavit works to avoid probate for real property.
Termination of Joint Tenancy
People often own property as joint tenants with right of survivorship or community property with right of survivorship. A common question I get is what needs to happen after one of the joint tenants dies? Read about terminating joint tenancy.
How We Can Help
We want to help you through the entire probate process. We offer the following probate services:
Small Estate Personal Property Affidavits
Small Estate Real Property Affidavits
Termination of Joint Tenancy
Informal Probates
Guardianships of Minors and Adults
Conservatorships of Minors and Adults
Guardianship and Conservatorship of Minors and Adults
Call today at (480) 699-7992 to get started.
Learn more about the other legal services offered by the Neal Law Firm.